My Generation is the first to have grown up with HIV. When I was 5 years old in 1981, the first person was diagnosed with the virus called Human immunodeficiency virus or HIV. There are many rumors about the origin of this virus and it's eventually cryptic domination it has held on several ethnic and social communities, but there is no doubt that the HIV virus has taken 30 million lives worldwide to date. That's a MASSIVE amount of people. In honor of World AIDS Day I wanted to do my part to raise awareness among my peers, Blacks and Homosexuals.
We are a nation of 308 million. 224 million are White. 50 million Hispanic. 39 million are Black. 9 million are Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgender. 1.2 million are living with HIV Caused Diseases.
HIV has plagued the globe for 30 years. This epidemic touches lives on all continents and it permeates all communities. (Red I used permeate for you.) However, the end is in sight. 2010 may have been the year of turning points in the realm of HIV. It is the year that scientists revealed there were segments of the population genetically immune to HIV, is the first year that the global number of new infections did not increase, and it is also the year that an infected patient with leukemia was given a bone marrow transplant and now lives HIV-free...Yeah Yeah I know...great news right? But don't go flinging your condoms off in celebration just yet.
According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention last year roughly 56 thousand new people were infected with HIV just last year. That is a equal to the population of Greenville, NC. Insane right? HIV is growing at an exponential rate in the Black community. In 2009 44% of all new infections were Black. Black Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) accounted for 73% of those NEW cases. The remaining 30% were women who contracted HIV through Heterosexual sex. Yeah you just read that...HETEROSEXUAL sex. That confirms some of those MSNs haven't been totally open with their Female partners about their sex lives, but what else is new? I pray for people who are in the closet sexually, however I have nothing but contempt for "Down Low Brothers". Their cloaked lifestyle is killing our community, but I'm going to stop before I go of on another tangent...this editorial is about HIV.
The HIV virus is highly concentrated in blood, vaginal fluids, and semen. Unprotected sex and infected needles account for the majority of virus transfer, but we all know there are random unfortunate exceptions. Knowing your status is 90% of the battle. I know that I am HIV-negative because I was last tested in 2010. I remember the very first time I was admitted for an MS exacerbation the Nurse being shocked because I was eager (and relieved) to find out I was still negative. Lesbians can contract HIV if performing cunnilingus on an infected female during the time surrounding her menstruation (pre, during, and post). We all need to wrap it up, grab those condoms and dental dams and protect yourselves.
It is important to KNOW YOUR STATUS. I can't reiterate that enough. Know your status! I still hear that nurse's surprise echoing in my head, "I've NEVER had any one ask before." NEVER? Well I'm glad I was her first, and I hope I wasn't her last. I'm even more thankful that I'm Negative, I don't think my revolting T-cells could handle that too. If you don't know your status, get tested! There is help for you if you are positive. There is life after HIV. There is actual hope for a cure. Maybe not in my lifetime but in the future. Maybe one day we will actually see the end of the HIV.
...Hate It or Love It; Either Way You Felt Something
About Me

- UrbanJournalist
- This blog is purely a forum for me to speak about the ironies in life, the things that piss me off, and to quote Peter Griffin of "Family Guy"..."things that grind my gears". Please feel free to visit my website to chime in and read more controversial editorials. I have just released my first book "Twisted Thoughts From a Spotless Mind", it is a collection of several of my poems and editorials. It's for sale right now for $9.99, and I have free shipping. If you would like to order a copy of my book click on the "Buy Now" link below. Thx, UrbanJournalist
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Adoption Over Abortion
The key to raising teenagers is being able to relate to them while maintaining their respect. You know like OGs run their crews; cool enough to chill and break bread on some occasions, but can at any moment give an order or reprimand and in turn be received and obeyed. But before this tangent gets any longer I'm gonna cut it short. I caught an episode of MTV's Teen Mom recently with my oldest clone, and it sparked some interesting thoughts in my head.
For those of you who don't watch this show, MTV has been following several teenagers for about three years, from pregnancy until now. Most of the babies are toddlers now. One group of the teen parents they are following choose to give their baby up for adoption. Now at first glance, I wondered why MTV would continue to include a couple on their show about parenthood who opted for adoption; however it wasn't until I laid down to sleep that night that I saw the brilliance in the controversy.
The rest of the couples on the show are dealing with being young parents, you know, baby mamma drama, child support, absentee fathers, the full gambit. The couple that opted to adopt for the most part are living normal teenage lives. Both are in college and moving forward with their lives. Don't get it twisted though, they are showing the reality of living with that choice is. This young girl periodically has to deal with her mom's outburst of anger in which she calls her "stupid for giving up her grandbaby" along with the bouts of her own guilt she battles. It's this part of the story that struck me the most. I had never really thought about what it must be like for a young girl to have to deal with a parent who second guessed their decision, and from what I see this poor girl is gonna have some permanent psychological damage courtesy of dear old mom.
MTV's obvious attempt to constantly show this couple having the time of their lives though isn't lost on me. It always seems that during the moments when the other couples are experiencing the most drama, the adoption couple is either some where getting engaged or parting it up in some night club. At first I was furious about it. I felt the young girl's story no longer fit. I mean it is called "Teen Mom" and she no longer has a baby. Once I got over myself, I realized that too often young girls take on the responsibility of raising children when they are not ready because their religious convictions won't allow them to consider abortion and their social circles won't allow them to consider adoption.
While I firmly stand behind a woman's right to choose, I know first hand what it feels like to wrestle with that very decision, and I know women who wish they could go back and swap the -bor- for a -dop- in their choices. If MTV's portrayal of this young girl's life encourages another young lady to follow suit, they may end up doing more to quell the problems of teen parenting and poverty than any government program ever has.
When a teenager gets pregnant I think it is important to remind them that while you do have the right to have an abortion, you have other options...
...Hate It or Love It; Either Way You Felt Something
For those of you who don't watch this show, MTV has been following several teenagers for about three years, from pregnancy until now. Most of the babies are toddlers now. One group of the teen parents they are following choose to give their baby up for adoption. Now at first glance, I wondered why MTV would continue to include a couple on their show about parenthood who opted for adoption; however it wasn't until I laid down to sleep that night that I saw the brilliance in the controversy.
The rest of the couples on the show are dealing with being young parents, you know, baby mamma drama, child support, absentee fathers, the full gambit. The couple that opted to adopt for the most part are living normal teenage lives. Both are in college and moving forward with their lives. Don't get it twisted though, they are showing the reality of living with that choice is. This young girl periodically has to deal with her mom's outburst of anger in which she calls her "stupid for giving up her grandbaby" along with the bouts of her own guilt she battles. It's this part of the story that struck me the most. I had never really thought about what it must be like for a young girl to have to deal with a parent who second guessed their decision, and from what I see this poor girl is gonna have some permanent psychological damage courtesy of dear old mom.
MTV's obvious attempt to constantly show this couple having the time of their lives though isn't lost on me. It always seems that during the moments when the other couples are experiencing the most drama, the adoption couple is either some where getting engaged or parting it up in some night club. At first I was furious about it. I felt the young girl's story no longer fit. I mean it is called "Teen Mom" and she no longer has a baby. Once I got over myself, I realized that too often young girls take on the responsibility of raising children when they are not ready because their religious convictions won't allow them to consider abortion and their social circles won't allow them to consider adoption.
While I firmly stand behind a woman's right to choose, I know first hand what it feels like to wrestle with that very decision, and I know women who wish they could go back and swap the -bor- for a -dop- in their choices. If MTV's portrayal of this young girl's life encourages another young lady to follow suit, they may end up doing more to quell the problems of teen parenting and poverty than any government program ever has.
When a teenager gets pregnant I think it is important to remind them that while you do have the right to have an abortion, you have other options...
...Hate It or Love It; Either Way You Felt Something
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Back To School
August means back to school.
Americans are getting educations, but aren't learning anything. I mean we know what we need to pass the test, but we rarely retain knowledge of things that aren't related in some way to Pop Culture. We know everything that is going on in Hollywood and on Reality TV, but we don't know how many electoral college votes our state has. (Last I checked North Carolina had 15).
I'm not saying that because you don't know the geek facts of history that you are unlearned. I am saying that in our homes we are failing our children by feeding them more TV than History. We can't know where we're going if we don't know where we've been, and these kids will be the ones pushing our wheelchairs.
Think of how much history you can recall accurately...Go ahead. I'll wait. (Walks to the fridge and grabs a brownie & some juice.)
You got it in your head?
Not quite as much as you were taught huh?
Now realize that your kids probably know less than you do...sad right?
Before you go blaming the dilapidated underfunded education programs across this nation, point that finger at yourself. Schools were designed to expand on the skills that you SHOULD be taught at home. Our public education system was created as a PARTNERSHIP between the parents and the teacher. That's why we have HOMEWORK. The classroom is not supposed to be the first place your child becomes exposed to the things they are learning whether it be the alphabet, writing, reading, math, or history.
We as parents are letting our kids down. We have taken a passive role in our kids education for too many years. I say "WE" because I'm leading this pack. We haven't been holding up our end of the bargain. Our kids should know at least as much as we know (whether correct or incorrect). That way they already have a base of knowledge that the teacher can build upon. It's much easier for a teacher to repair a partial or incorrect theory, than it is for them to teach the entire principle.
I challenge each parent out there to join the PTA at their kids school. Communicate with your child's teachers about their goals and your child's progress on that goal. Let's check homework once again. We all are guilty of not doing these things for whatever reason. Hell I'm disabled and still remember blocks of times were all I did was take their word for whether or not their homework was completed.
This is a new year! Time for a fresh start! I don't know about you but our children are competing with kids from India, China, and South America for the jobs we are barely holding on to now. Education is the key to all success, and it's time we stopped blaming our teachers for our kids shortcomings and gave them a hand.
Back to school isn't just for them, its for you too. So, roll up your sleeves, grab your scrap paper and some erasers, and put a cold one in the fridge to help ease that frustration you'll feel after homework is done or to kick of the celebration when the grab that difficult concept.
Together Everyone Achieves More
...Hate It or Love It; Either Way You Felt Something
Americans are getting educations, but aren't learning anything. I mean we know what we need to pass the test, but we rarely retain knowledge of things that aren't related in some way to Pop Culture. We know everything that is going on in Hollywood and on Reality TV, but we don't know how many electoral college votes our state has. (Last I checked North Carolina had 15).
I'm not saying that because you don't know the geek facts of history that you are unlearned. I am saying that in our homes we are failing our children by feeding them more TV than History. We can't know where we're going if we don't know where we've been, and these kids will be the ones pushing our wheelchairs.
Think of how much history you can recall accurately...Go ahead. I'll wait. (Walks to the fridge and grabs a brownie & some juice.)
You got it in your head?
Not quite as much as you were taught huh?
Now realize that your kids probably know less than you do...sad right?
Before you go blaming the dilapidated underfunded education programs across this nation, point that finger at yourself. Schools were designed to expand on the skills that you SHOULD be taught at home. Our public education system was created as a PARTNERSHIP between the parents and the teacher. That's why we have HOMEWORK. The classroom is not supposed to be the first place your child becomes exposed to the things they are learning whether it be the alphabet, writing, reading, math, or history.
We as parents are letting our kids down. We have taken a passive role in our kids education for too many years. I say "WE" because I'm leading this pack. We haven't been holding up our end of the bargain. Our kids should know at least as much as we know (whether correct or incorrect). That way they already have a base of knowledge that the teacher can build upon. It's much easier for a teacher to repair a partial or incorrect theory, than it is for them to teach the entire principle.
I challenge each parent out there to join the PTA at their kids school. Communicate with your child's teachers about their goals and your child's progress on that goal. Let's check homework once again. We all are guilty of not doing these things for whatever reason. Hell I'm disabled and still remember blocks of times were all I did was take their word for whether or not their homework was completed.
This is a new year! Time for a fresh start! I don't know about you but our children are competing with kids from India, China, and South America for the jobs we are barely holding on to now. Education is the key to all success, and it's time we stopped blaming our teachers for our kids shortcomings and gave them a hand.
Back to school isn't just for them, its for you too. So, roll up your sleeves, grab your scrap paper and some erasers, and put a cold one in the fridge to help ease that frustration you'll feel after homework is done or to kick of the celebration when the grab that difficult concept.
Together Everyone Achieves More
...Hate It or Love It; Either Way You Felt Something
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Letter to the Tea Party
Dear Tea Party,
Let me begin this letter by telling you that I am a member of the Republican party and I voted both times for George W. (affectionately known as Dubya). I voted for him both times because I felt he would do a better job of defending America against her enemies than the other guy and I stand by my decision; although the economy has severely suffered from these expensive military campaigns to colonize the Middle East (didn't exactly vote for that shit but oh well what can you do). I'd dare any nation to fuck with us because we have a Trillion Dollar Deficit; we spent most of that Trillion on Guns. So I'd like to thank Dubya for stock piling the weapons cache and making sure that America had the capacity to protect herself from all her new enemies.
That being said, what I think you guys are doing is totally wrong. You are holding America hostage by refusing to vote for the debt ceiling until the President and the rest of Congress agrees to your plan to further increase to divide the Haves from the Havenots thru cuts to Entitlements, Dept of Education, Medicare & Medicaid. (raises both middle fingers).
I mean seriously you are asking the poorest Americans to pay for the wars we been raging in the last 10 years. We burned through our deficit surplus before Dubya's first term was over, so there really is no way anyone can deny that his policies played a major role in the ballooning of our national debt.
Why are you totally opposed to removing the tax breaks that Dubya gave the wealthy Americans? You continue to say that the President wants to "raise" taxes, but that's not what he is proposing. You say that removing these tax breaks will have a devastating effect on business, but just for the sake of argument couldn't you make a compromise and demand that Corporate taxes be protected from any changes?
I think Boehner has become your tool and it really is become a disgrace. Yes you were successful in your political takeover of the 2010 elections and your influx helped the Republican party achieve the majority in the House but you aren't the majority. Boehner has made it appear that your vision for the Republican party is shared by all. I'm sorry but I totally disagree.
You guys should be satisfied that your resistance has forced the Democrats voluntarily put their sacred cows on the cutting board. I think it's total insanity that you guys refuse to do the same. Compromise is at the center of what our nation was founded on, without it the Declaration of Independence would have abolished slavery in this nation (Jefferson almost eased that one by you. No one would have guessed a slave owner would want to abolish slavery, but compromised, took it out, and kept his slaves until he died).
I hope the real Republicans finally decide to stand up and tell you freshman to go sit your unruly asses down before you fuck up everyone's chance at re-election in 2012!
...Hate It or Love It; Either Way You Felt Somethin'
Let me begin this letter by telling you that I am a member of the Republican party and I voted both times for George W. (affectionately known as Dubya). I voted for him both times because I felt he would do a better job of defending America against her enemies than the other guy and I stand by my decision; although the economy has severely suffered from these expensive military campaigns to colonize the Middle East (didn't exactly vote for that shit but oh well what can you do). I'd dare any nation to fuck with us because we have a Trillion Dollar Deficit; we spent most of that Trillion on Guns. So I'd like to thank Dubya for stock piling the weapons cache and making sure that America had the capacity to protect herself from all her new enemies.
That being said, what I think you guys are doing is totally wrong. You are holding America hostage by refusing to vote for the debt ceiling until the President and the rest of Congress agrees to your plan to further increase to divide the Haves from the Havenots thru cuts to Entitlements, Dept of Education, Medicare & Medicaid. (raises both middle fingers).
I mean seriously you are asking the poorest Americans to pay for the wars we been raging in the last 10 years. We burned through our deficit surplus before Dubya's first term was over, so there really is no way anyone can deny that his policies played a major role in the ballooning of our national debt.
Why are you totally opposed to removing the tax breaks that Dubya gave the wealthy Americans? You continue to say that the President wants to "raise" taxes, but that's not what he is proposing. You say that removing these tax breaks will have a devastating effect on business, but just for the sake of argument couldn't you make a compromise and demand that Corporate taxes be protected from any changes?
I think Boehner has become your tool and it really is become a disgrace. Yes you were successful in your political takeover of the 2010 elections and your influx helped the Republican party achieve the majority in the House but you aren't the majority. Boehner has made it appear that your vision for the Republican party is shared by all. I'm sorry but I totally disagree.
You guys should be satisfied that your resistance has forced the Democrats voluntarily put their sacred cows on the cutting board. I think it's total insanity that you guys refuse to do the same. Compromise is at the center of what our nation was founded on, without it the Declaration of Independence would have abolished slavery in this nation (Jefferson almost eased that one by you. No one would have guessed a slave owner would want to abolish slavery, but compromised, took it out, and kept his slaves until he died).
I hope the real Republicans finally decide to stand up and tell you freshman to go sit your unruly asses down before you fuck up everyone's chance at re-election in 2012!
...Hate It or Love It; Either Way You Felt Somethin'
Sunday, July 24, 2011
The Presumption of Guilt
This great nation was founded by people who had endured the tyrannical reign of people who used the judicial system to suppress their freedom. They had been systematically falsely accused and victimized by a system that made it easy to have someone prosecuted, effectively silencing their voice.
These people were the ones who founded this great democracy! I wonder how these people feel about the Casey Anthony trial?
Do they feel like a murderer walked free or do they feel like the system worked the way it should?
Our legal system is founded on the presumption that ALL PEOPLE are Innocent UNTIL Proven Guilty! However, nearly 400 years after the Pilgrims fled England, the inverse of that is true. Defendants are presumed guilty until proven innocent.
Whenever the legal system performs the way it was designed to and protect people from being imprisoned without sufficient evidence to PROVE their guilt, Americas cry injustice.
Fact is the Prosecution in the Anthony trial should have waited until they had concrete evidence to prove Casey Anthony's guilt, or at the very least tried her for the stuff she was guilty of. They failed.
They felt they could use their power to make an example of her as they have so many others before her. Prisons are filled with people who were convicted on circumstantial evidence and others who have be falsely accused.
I applaud Judge Belvin Perry and all 12 of those Floridians who allowed Ms. Anthony to have a fair trial. Judge Perry sequestered them for the duration of the trial and it undoubtedly protected the integrity of each jurors vote. The media had Casey Anthony on the lethal injection table as the jury deliberated.
The fact is Ms. Anthony is free, and in no way obligated to tell what she knows about how her daughter died. Our system looks to punish people for their involuntary involvement in crimes, when I think it should instead seek to retrieve the information they have that may lead to the real perpetrators arrest...but that conversation should be reserved for another blog. Meanwhile the real murderer is free, whether that person is Ms Anthony or someone she knows only God knows. I'm glad he doesn't rely on our legal system to pass judgement, if he did my ass would be doomed.
It is not my job to judge Ms Anthony, based on the evidence the court presented she could have been guilty, but so could any number of others, and for that reason she is free. I hope she is smarter than Mr. Simpson and tries to lead a quite life in some secluded place...otherwise she will find herself guilty of something dumb like stealing your shit with your name on it.
And to quote the great Forrest Gump..."That's all I have to say about that."
...Hate It or Love It; Either Way You Felt Something
These people were the ones who founded this great democracy! I wonder how these people feel about the Casey Anthony trial?
Do they feel like a murderer walked free or do they feel like the system worked the way it should?
Our legal system is founded on the presumption that ALL PEOPLE are Innocent UNTIL Proven Guilty! However, nearly 400 years after the Pilgrims fled England, the inverse of that is true. Defendants are presumed guilty until proven innocent.
Whenever the legal system performs the way it was designed to and protect people from being imprisoned without sufficient evidence to PROVE their guilt, Americas cry injustice.
Fact is the Prosecution in the Anthony trial should have waited until they had concrete evidence to prove Casey Anthony's guilt, or at the very least tried her for the stuff she was guilty of. They failed.
They felt they could use their power to make an example of her as they have so many others before her. Prisons are filled with people who were convicted on circumstantial evidence and others who have be falsely accused.
I applaud Judge Belvin Perry and all 12 of those Floridians who allowed Ms. Anthony to have a fair trial. Judge Perry sequestered them for the duration of the trial and it undoubtedly protected the integrity of each jurors vote. The media had Casey Anthony on the lethal injection table as the jury deliberated.
The fact is Ms. Anthony is free, and in no way obligated to tell what she knows about how her daughter died. Our system looks to punish people for their involuntary involvement in crimes, when I think it should instead seek to retrieve the information they have that may lead to the real perpetrators arrest...but that conversation should be reserved for another blog. Meanwhile the real murderer is free, whether that person is Ms Anthony or someone she knows only God knows. I'm glad he doesn't rely on our legal system to pass judgement, if he did my ass would be doomed.
It is not my job to judge Ms Anthony, based on the evidence the court presented she could have been guilty, but so could any number of others, and for that reason she is free. I hope she is smarter than Mr. Simpson and tries to lead a quite life in some secluded place...otherwise she will find herself guilty of something dumb like stealing your shit with your name on it.
And to quote the great Forrest Gump..."That's all I have to say about that."
...Hate It or Love It; Either Way You Felt Something
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Don't Call It A Comeback
Barack Hussien Obama, you sir are my hero!
On Wednesday I watched you step to the podium and give a speech, that I honestly must say either was dry and boring (which surprisingly some of your joints have been) or it was totally overshadowed by that awesome ass press conference that followed!
Hours after last November's elections, after I had just watch the Tea Party spank your ass, I wrote you a letter. In it I begged you to do something to make me (a Black Republican) vote for you again based on your merits. I also made this request:
Deliver that transparency in government that you promised. Not only as it applies to evidence of weapons of mass destruction but also as it applies to those areas of your policy that cause political rifts and those legislators guilty of blocking it from being voted into law. I think you will find that if you let the press along with the American people know what is going on they together they will start to question any representative guilty of holding up progress. -Letter to the President, Nov 4, 2010
Imagine my pride when I watched you step to your podium on Wednesday, and have the single best press conference of your life! I watched you lay out a plan, and follow it up by showing where the measures you have already created were being held up by politics. You called Washington out! It took tremendous guts, and I totally have gained more respect for you because of it.
Here are a few quotes from your Q&A seesion that I feel go along way toward getting you reelected and my thoughts on them.
The problems that are causing the challenges that the Middle Class is facing weren't created overnight and they won't be solved overnight.
Finally!!! Remind people that this recession that we are in began in 2007, when you were just Candidate Obama! (Btw-I wrote a little something about you back then Joshua-but I digress.)
If everybody else is willing to take on their sacred cows and do tough things that I feel it will be hard for Republicans to say we don't want tax cuts on private jets or we want to keep giving tax breaks to oil companies that are making money hand over fist...I don't that's a sustainable position.
Now this right here was fuckin' brilliant!!! I swear I will no longer question your ethnicity again! If this ain't calling a Mofo Out 101 I don't know what is, as seen in black barbershops all around the United States.
What I propose is a plan that doesn't hurt the pockets of the ones that are struggling, it leans on the ones that are doing extraordinarily well. You'll still be able to ride on your private jet, it's just gonna cost a little more .
Then after you explained why tax hikes on the rich were part of your economic plan, you talked shit to the naysayers...You get's mega props for that shit!!
I maybe naive but I expect them to do the right thing. Leaders lead.
Then you hit 'em with a suave ass verbal jab...pow!!! Btw-totally digging your sarcasm here! Well played sir; well played!
Momar Gadhafi, is second to Osama Bin Ladin in having caused the most American deaths...As a member of NATO we are compelled to act...A lot of this fuss is politics and if you look substantively at what we've done we have done what we planned to do, we have protected millions of lives, lost no American casualties...we did what's right.
Now we both know this right here is some bull shit! I don't even think you believed it when you said it. If I go back to the tape you were probably shaking your head 'No' while you were saying it. And everyone who has watched the Fox show 'Lie to Me' knows, that is a sign of a lie...I'm just saying man, lets keep it real.
What we have done is said that we can not discrimate against a person because of their sexual orientation. We have done more during my administration for Gay & Lesbian couples so they can visit their loved ones in the hospital, we ended Don't Ask Don't tell...I think it's important for us to work through these issues state by state.
I hope I speak for all homosexuals when I say, thank you for this! As a disabled person I don't want my family (those people who think I have a homo demon & barely visit me) to have any control or say over my health care. I want the person who has lived the misery of my disease with me making the choices I can't make. This alone is reason enough for me to vote for you again.
What I think you are saying Chuck Todd is what millions of Americans are saying that Gays, Lesians, Transgendered people are Mothers, Fathers, Sons, Daughters, our Friends. They are Americans and they deserve to be treated that way.
I have to be honest when I say this gave me chills, but not because of the awesomeness of what you said. I got chills because in my mind I saw JFK in that Dallas square. I hope this doesn't get you killed, sir.
I think we could put construction workers back to work rebuilding bridges and roads. We used to have the best bridges & roads and we dont anymore and it hurts our competitiveness. It gets work done that we need done in America and it helps Americans at the same time.
I believed you were being genuine when you said this. I thought of that History Channel special on Chinese infrastructure, that outlined why goods move faster in parts of China than they can here. It reminded me that you are a geek too. (Whispers-The guy that lived there before you kinda set the bar low. Btw- I totally love the way you say the word 'Pakistan'.)
S. Korea has a better trade agreement than we do. I see tons of Korean cars here in American, but no American cars in S. Korea .
Just good ole common sense mixed with patriotism right here! It's okay to show a little bias for the home team.
I think as politicians we should be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. We should be able to work on deficit reduction and creating jobs at the same time.
Man ole man would I love to see you in a Southside Chicago pool hall! I bet nobody talks shit better than you do!
We can't afford to have labor & management fighting all the time with we are competing with Japan, China, and other companies to sell goods all over the world. We still have the advantage in the airline industry and I want to make sure we keep it.
I like this statement! Again common sense mixed with patriotisim.
My top priority in each and every one of these situations is catching terrorists, getting intel from them, following the rule of the law...Their mission (in the field) is not to make sure the worry about legal issues, it is to capture the subject with minimum danger to American lives.
And this is why I love you! Let's get these muthafuckas then!!
I did not use the word victory in my speech, I said "We can be successful" and we are having success in carrying out our mission...We will continue to apply the pressure. The Afghans have trained police and military that can and will fill in the gaps. They can start defending themselves.
Did I mention I love the way you handle yourself with the media? I was wondering when the Afghans were going to do something besides train and collect American tax dollars.
Afghanistan is still a dangerous place, there are still going to be incidents like this...but as I said in my speech the tide of war has shifted. They aren't going to be totally safe even if we were there. Our goal is the help the Afghan people to defend themselves.
If we could some how deploy this same tactic to Urban negborhoods all over America, maybe their economy would improve too, and the domestic terrorist would be forced out by the people. You know, a little nation building at home?
I'm not gonna make news on that today, good try though.
Hands down my favorite quote! I love the respect you showed your opponet here!
I'll keep on giving you the same answer until I give you a different one...and that won't be today.
Again, all who questioned your Blackness before can point to this quote as irrefutable proof of your heritage.
We need to maintain our position as a nation of law, but we also have to maintain our position as a nation of immigrants.
Again, I got goose bumps from a JFK flashback. Please don't get killed man.
There are some people having to choose what bills they pay on this month...For the US govt to start picking & choosing is not going to inspire alot of confidence. Are we really gonna pay interest to the Chinese and not pay folks their Social Security, or Veterans their benefits?
You did me proud with this one man, for real!
These are bills Congress ran up. They took the vacation, they bought the car and now they don't want to pay as fast as they said they would. That's not how the responsible American family would act, and we're the greatest nation on earth.
I for one love your analogies! This one just replaced the 'wrecked car' one as my absolute favorite. I think you may have grabbed the attention of a few independents with this statement!
I think at some point these people need to do their job...It amuses me when people say I need to show leadership on this issue...They are here one week and gone the next...I'm here, and I've been working. They need to get here.
Dude just how big are your balls? (Insert Wayne & Garth bow) 'We're Not Worthy. We're Not Worthy!'
Everyday I get letters from people around the country...Some have lost their homes, lost businessness...haven't find a job in a few months, a year, a year and a half...Every day that weighs on me.
You showed us your heart here, and we've been begging to see it for a while.
These problems won't be solved overnight but we know what to do. If we educate our kids we will be more competitive...America has to make some investments.
As a current college student I can't tell you what this statement means to me. As a parent, I thank you because you know in this economy Ill be lucky to have $1000 saved in 5 years. (That's all I have until my oldest graduates high school.)
(Americans) They want to feel they leadership is getting the job done and not playing games.
You're right. We do!
You went in down 20 points at halftime, but you have come out in the third quarter full court pressin', makings steals, and fastbreakin' your competition. You have made some key adjustments at halftime and have really closed the gap. You have the ability to take the lead and blow out the competition if you can manage to create jobs domestically and deal with the deficit significantlly.
It's a tall order but I believe in you.
I think you campaign theme song should be LL Cool J's 'Mama Said Knock You Out', and when you are successfully relected in 2012 I hope your first words to America will be:
"Don't Call It A Comeback; I've Been Here For Years!"
-Hate It or Love It; Either Way You Felt Somethin'
On Wednesday I watched you step to the podium and give a speech, that I honestly must say either was dry and boring (which surprisingly some of your joints have been) or it was totally overshadowed by that awesome ass press conference that followed!
Hours after last November's elections, after I had just watch the Tea Party spank your ass, I wrote you a letter. In it I begged you to do something to make me (a Black Republican) vote for you again based on your merits. I also made this request:
Deliver that transparency in government that you promised. Not only as it applies to evidence of weapons of mass destruction but also as it applies to those areas of your policy that cause political rifts and those legislators guilty of blocking it from being voted into law. I think you will find that if you let the press along with the American people know what is going on they together they will start to question any representative guilty of holding up progress. -Letter to the President, Nov 4, 2010
Imagine my pride when I watched you step to your podium on Wednesday, and have the single best press conference of your life! I watched you lay out a plan, and follow it up by showing where the measures you have already created were being held up by politics. You called Washington out! It took tremendous guts, and I totally have gained more respect for you because of it.
Here are a few quotes from your Q&A seesion that I feel go along way toward getting you reelected and my thoughts on them.
The problems that are causing the challenges that the Middle Class is facing weren't created overnight and they won't be solved overnight.
Finally!!! Remind people that this recession that we are in began in 2007, when you were just Candidate Obama! (Btw-I wrote a little something about you back then Joshua-but I digress.)
If everybody else is willing to take on their sacred cows and do tough things that I feel it will be hard for Republicans to say we don't want tax cuts on private jets or we want to keep giving tax breaks to oil companies that are making money hand over fist...I don't that's a sustainable position.
Now this right here was fuckin' brilliant!!! I swear I will no longer question your ethnicity again! If this ain't calling a Mofo Out 101 I don't know what is, as seen in black barbershops all around the United States.
What I propose is a plan that doesn't hurt the pockets of the ones that are struggling, it leans on the ones that are doing extraordinarily well. You'll still be able to ride on your private jet, it's just gonna cost a little more .
Then after you explained why tax hikes on the rich were part of your economic plan, you talked shit to the naysayers...You get's mega props for that shit!!
I maybe naive but I expect them to do the right thing. Leaders lead.
Then you hit 'em with a suave ass verbal jab...pow!!! Btw-totally digging your sarcasm here! Well played sir; well played!
Momar Gadhafi, is second to Osama Bin Ladin in having caused the most American deaths...As a member of NATO we are compelled to act...A lot of this fuss is politics and if you look substantively at what we've done we have done what we planned to do, we have protected millions of lives, lost no American casualties...we did what's right.
Now we both know this right here is some bull shit! I don't even think you believed it when you said it. If I go back to the tape you were probably shaking your head 'No' while you were saying it. And everyone who has watched the Fox show 'Lie to Me' knows, that is a sign of a lie...I'm just saying man, lets keep it real.
What we have done is said that we can not discrimate against a person because of their sexual orientation. We have done more during my administration for Gay & Lesbian couples so they can visit their loved ones in the hospital, we ended Don't Ask Don't tell...I think it's important for us to work through these issues state by state.
I hope I speak for all homosexuals when I say, thank you for this! As a disabled person I don't want my family (those people who think I have a homo demon & barely visit me) to have any control or say over my health care. I want the person who has lived the misery of my disease with me making the choices I can't make. This alone is reason enough for me to vote for you again.
What I think you are saying Chuck Todd is what millions of Americans are saying that Gays, Lesians, Transgendered people are Mothers, Fathers, Sons, Daughters, our Friends. They are Americans and they deserve to be treated that way.
I have to be honest when I say this gave me chills, but not because of the awesomeness of what you said. I got chills because in my mind I saw JFK in that Dallas square. I hope this doesn't get you killed, sir.
I think we could put construction workers back to work rebuilding bridges and roads. We used to have the best bridges & roads and we dont anymore and it hurts our competitiveness. It gets work done that we need done in America and it helps Americans at the same time.
I believed you were being genuine when you said this. I thought of that History Channel special on Chinese infrastructure, that outlined why goods move faster in parts of China than they can here. It reminded me that you are a geek too. (Whispers-The guy that lived there before you kinda set the bar low. Btw- I totally love the way you say the word 'Pakistan'.)
S. Korea has a better trade agreement than we do. I see tons of Korean cars here in American, but no American cars in S. Korea .
Just good ole common sense mixed with patriotism right here! It's okay to show a little bias for the home team.
I think as politicians we should be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. We should be able to work on deficit reduction and creating jobs at the same time.
Man ole man would I love to see you in a Southside Chicago pool hall! I bet nobody talks shit better than you do!
We can't afford to have labor & management fighting all the time with we are competing with Japan, China, and other companies to sell goods all over the world. We still have the advantage in the airline industry and I want to make sure we keep it.
I like this statement! Again common sense mixed with patriotisim.
My top priority in each and every one of these situations is catching terrorists, getting intel from them, following the rule of the law...Their mission (in the field) is not to make sure the worry about legal issues, it is to capture the subject with minimum danger to American lives.
And this is why I love you! Let's get these muthafuckas then!!
I did not use the word victory in my speech, I said "We can be successful" and we are having success in carrying out our mission...We will continue to apply the pressure. The Afghans have trained police and military that can and will fill in the gaps. They can start defending themselves.
Did I mention I love the way you handle yourself with the media? I was wondering when the Afghans were going to do something besides train and collect American tax dollars.
Afghanistan is still a dangerous place, there are still going to be incidents like this...but as I said in my speech the tide of war has shifted. They aren't going to be totally safe even if we were there. Our goal is the help the Afghan people to defend themselves.
If we could some how deploy this same tactic to Urban negborhoods all over America, maybe their economy would improve too, and the domestic terrorist would be forced out by the people. You know, a little nation building at home?
I'm not gonna make news on that today, good try though.
Hands down my favorite quote! I love the respect you showed your opponet here!
I'll keep on giving you the same answer until I give you a different one...and that won't be today.
Again, all who questioned your Blackness before can point to this quote as irrefutable proof of your heritage.
We need to maintain our position as a nation of law, but we also have to maintain our position as a nation of immigrants.
Again, I got goose bumps from a JFK flashback. Please don't get killed man.
There are some people having to choose what bills they pay on this month...For the US govt to start picking & choosing is not going to inspire alot of confidence. Are we really gonna pay interest to the Chinese and not pay folks their Social Security, or Veterans their benefits?
You did me proud with this one man, for real!
These are bills Congress ran up. They took the vacation, they bought the car and now they don't want to pay as fast as they said they would. That's not how the responsible American family would act, and we're the greatest nation on earth.
I for one love your analogies! This one just replaced the 'wrecked car' one as my absolute favorite. I think you may have grabbed the attention of a few independents with this statement!
I think at some point these people need to do their job...It amuses me when people say I need to show leadership on this issue...They are here one week and gone the next...I'm here, and I've been working. They need to get here.
Dude just how big are your balls? (Insert Wayne & Garth bow) 'We're Not Worthy. We're Not Worthy!'
Everyday I get letters from people around the country...Some have lost their homes, lost businessness...haven't find a job in a few months, a year, a year and a half...Every day that weighs on me.
You showed us your heart here, and we've been begging to see it for a while.
These problems won't be solved overnight but we know what to do. If we educate our kids we will be more competitive...America has to make some investments.
As a current college student I can't tell you what this statement means to me. As a parent, I thank you because you know in this economy Ill be lucky to have $1000 saved in 5 years. (That's all I have until my oldest graduates high school.)
(Americans) They want to feel they leadership is getting the job done and not playing games.
You're right. We do!
You went in down 20 points at halftime, but you have come out in the third quarter full court pressin', makings steals, and fastbreakin' your competition. You have made some key adjustments at halftime and have really closed the gap. You have the ability to take the lead and blow out the competition if you can manage to create jobs domestically and deal with the deficit significantlly.
It's a tall order but I believe in you.
I think you campaign theme song should be LL Cool J's 'Mama Said Knock You Out', and when you are successfully relected in 2012 I hope your first words to America will be:
"Don't Call It A Comeback; I've Been Here For Years!"
-Hate It or Love It; Either Way You Felt Somethin'
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Why is Being A Geek Still Not Cool?
When I was in school, people picked at me for being smart. No one and I mean no one in elementary school wanted to be labeled a Nerd, because that was lower on the social totem pole than the kid with perpetual bladder issues, dried boogers and shit.
I managed to survive middle school because I loved to play basketball more than I loved books. My friends from the courts got to see a different side of me because I was "the girl that could ball."
Now that I'm raising a rising 6th grade genius, I'm forced to accept the fact that not much has changed. My Deuce da Don, the infamous clone #2, is terrified of being labeled a Nerd at school.
It got me thinking about what middle school could have been like for me, had I not had the fortunate (or unfortunate, depending on which story I tell) distinction of being "Nikki's little sister" or "Leon's cousin". I saw the kids who weren't able to move as effortlessly between the two groups; I befriended them but I certainly didn't envy them.
Kids can be hella cruel. I guess our social training needs a little more structure (but I digress). My brain was inundated with a tsunami of questions as I strolled down middle school memory lane.
Why do we place value on not succeeding? Why has it been cool to not be smart? Where did it begin? Do parents play a role? I could go on but I wanna keep this short...
After swimming through my thoughts I marooned on this conclusion...the little girls are the key.
The power of the doubled X chromosomes makes it's debut in the spring of 5th grade!
I have witnessed my often smelly (what is it about boys and hygiene) preteen who still cried when it was time to get a hair cut, actually request I iron his shirt and give me the sad face and beg not to just get an edgeup this time, and this is a different kid than the one who told me Happy New Year 6 months ago.
What was the catalyst for this change? Was it my countless lectures and repeating of my mantra "Personal hygene is about you!"?
HELL NAW!!! (you see my North Carolina coming out?)
It was pheromones!
This spring I've watched my son start to notice girls. It started in March when the pretty little chocolate girl who always wears the cutest skirts that lives in our complex stopped by. Before she turned to walk away when I told her Deuce wasn't home, she requested I let him know she had done so. This metamorphosis has blossomed into full blown open nose season when on the last day of school, while all decked out in his bowtie and Durango boots (ikr-you know his stylish mom was proud as hell) he ditched me twice (once at the bus stop and then after graduation) for that same little girl.
See what I mean? Right before my eyes...
I feel that if we went on a campaign teaching young girls that being smart was sexy, nerds wouldn't be socially ostracisized anymore. I'll keep my fingers crossed with the hope that there will be some teenage heartthrob that will equally excel academically and not be ashamed of can dream right? Martin had his, this is mine!
Even though I know that change won't happen before Deuce starts the 6th grade, I don't worry about him because he will come to be known as "Trey's little brother" and "Ty's cousin" so he'll be just fine. I just hope he befriends his fellow brotheren, just as I did; they will always make him feel cool.
It's funny how history really does repeat itself.
...Hate It or Love It; Either Way You Felt Somethin'
I managed to survive middle school because I loved to play basketball more than I loved books. My friends from the courts got to see a different side of me because I was "the girl that could ball."
Now that I'm raising a rising 6th grade genius, I'm forced to accept the fact that not much has changed. My Deuce da Don, the infamous clone #2, is terrified of being labeled a Nerd at school.
It got me thinking about what middle school could have been like for me, had I not had the fortunate (or unfortunate, depending on which story I tell) distinction of being "Nikki's little sister" or "Leon's cousin". I saw the kids who weren't able to move as effortlessly between the two groups; I befriended them but I certainly didn't envy them.
Kids can be hella cruel. I guess our social training needs a little more structure (but I digress). My brain was inundated with a tsunami of questions as I strolled down middle school memory lane.
Why do we place value on not succeeding? Why has it been cool to not be smart? Where did it begin? Do parents play a role? I could go on but I wanna keep this short...
After swimming through my thoughts I marooned on this conclusion...the little girls are the key.
The power of the doubled X chromosomes makes it's debut in the spring of 5th grade!
I have witnessed my often smelly (what is it about boys and hygiene) preteen who still cried when it was time to get a hair cut, actually request I iron his shirt and give me the sad face and beg not to just get an edgeup this time, and this is a different kid than the one who told me Happy New Year 6 months ago.
What was the catalyst for this change? Was it my countless lectures and repeating of my mantra "Personal hygene is about you!"?
HELL NAW!!! (you see my North Carolina coming out?)
It was pheromones!
This spring I've watched my son start to notice girls. It started in March when the pretty little chocolate girl who always wears the cutest skirts that lives in our complex stopped by. Before she turned to walk away when I told her Deuce wasn't home, she requested I let him know she had done so. This metamorphosis has blossomed into full blown open nose season when on the last day of school, while all decked out in his bowtie and Durango boots (ikr-you know his stylish mom was proud as hell) he ditched me twice (once at the bus stop and then after graduation) for that same little girl.
See what I mean? Right before my eyes...
I feel that if we went on a campaign teaching young girls that being smart was sexy, nerds wouldn't be socially ostracisized anymore. I'll keep my fingers crossed with the hope that there will be some teenage heartthrob that will equally excel academically and not be ashamed of can dream right? Martin had his, this is mine!
Even though I know that change won't happen before Deuce starts the 6th grade, I don't worry about him because he will come to be known as "Trey's little brother" and "Ty's cousin" so he'll be just fine. I just hope he befriends his fellow brotheren, just as I did; they will always make him feel cool.
It's funny how history really does repeat itself.
...Hate It or Love It; Either Way You Felt Somethin'
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Father's Day Isn't Happy For Everyone
Days like this are hard when you have a parent who has passed away, I haven't bought a power tool, necktie, short/polo combination, card, or taken my father to dinner in 7 years.
It's funny the things you miss.
It was only last Father's Day that I brought myself to delete his number from my phonebook; the reality that I would never get a call during the game from him again finally set in. My father was my best friend, I used to think that was a great thing, but here we are 7 years later and he still hasn't been replaced.
William Reid Jr was a great man (notice I didn't say perfect). He embodied the soldier's creed. His love for God, his family, and his country drove nearly all the choices he made in his adult life.
As I reminisce, I can't help but smile because that's what my Father did more than anything; it's what most people remember him for. I haven't met a person who knew my father who hasn't had a funny story to tell about him. No question as to where I got my sense of humor from.
He was the strongest man I ever known. I have witnessed him defy the odds and survive and recover from 3 strokes, extreme hypoglycemia (his blood sugar so high the Doctors couldn't believe how he staved off a coma let alone death), Hodgkin's lymphoma, chemotherapy, the massive brain tumor that developed after the chemo stopped and daily radiation it took to shrink it, only to succumb to sepsis from an infection that developed when the wound in his stomach wasn't properly cared for after his dementia lead him to pull the feeding tube they placed in his stomach out.
I guess we really only get 9 lives...
My dad was a man who never stopped believing in Redemption. "No relationship based in love could ever be damaged beyond repair" is what he said to me when I was in the midst of a quarrel with one of my siblings that lasted for nearly a year. He orchestrated our reconciliation.
"Do what's right" has to be the best advice he ever gave me; even though I still struggle to follow it.
"Your breast got lost in the mail" has to be the funniest thing he has ever said to me. What a way to explain flat-chestedness to your 14 year old daughter. (Anyone else detect foreshadow here besides me?)
"You ain't fooling nobody, be yourself" were the last instructions he gave me, that February morning while I was feeding him his breakfast. Letting me know that he knew I was gay (no matter how I tried to hide and deny) and giving me the courage to live a life outside of the shadows.
"I love you" the last words I said to him, on Monday, February 24th at approximately 11:30 in Pitt Memorial Hospital, a little more than 7 years ago.
His absence in my life mean my children have to grow up without their Grandfather; my youngest is too young to remember any of the memories he created with him. I think that saddens me more than anything else.
Today I honor my Father by praying for those Fathers and Grandfathers who have CHOSEN to be absent in their children's lives and for those who have severed relationships due to circumstances. My prayer is they find themselves on the road to Redemption before they leave this dimension.
I salute you Dad; your love for me has transcended the grave.
RIP SSG William Reid, Jr you will forever be loved and missed.
For you people who have your Fathers here, honor them, and take time to think about those who have to spend the day absent from their Fathers for whatever reason.
Hate It or Love It; Either Way You Felt Somethin'
It's funny the things you miss.
It was only last Father's Day that I brought myself to delete his number from my phonebook; the reality that I would never get a call during the game from him again finally set in. My father was my best friend, I used to think that was a great thing, but here we are 7 years later and he still hasn't been replaced.
William Reid Jr was a great man (notice I didn't say perfect). He embodied the soldier's creed. His love for God, his family, and his country drove nearly all the choices he made in his adult life.
As I reminisce, I can't help but smile because that's what my Father did more than anything; it's what most people remember him for. I haven't met a person who knew my father who hasn't had a funny story to tell about him. No question as to where I got my sense of humor from.
He was the strongest man I ever known. I have witnessed him defy the odds and survive and recover from 3 strokes, extreme hypoglycemia (his blood sugar so high the Doctors couldn't believe how he staved off a coma let alone death), Hodgkin's lymphoma, chemotherapy, the massive brain tumor that developed after the chemo stopped and daily radiation it took to shrink it, only to succumb to sepsis from an infection that developed when the wound in his stomach wasn't properly cared for after his dementia lead him to pull the feeding tube they placed in his stomach out.
I guess we really only get 9 lives...
My dad was a man who never stopped believing in Redemption. "No relationship based in love could ever be damaged beyond repair" is what he said to me when I was in the midst of a quarrel with one of my siblings that lasted for nearly a year. He orchestrated our reconciliation.
"Do what's right" has to be the best advice he ever gave me; even though I still struggle to follow it.
"Your breast got lost in the mail" has to be the funniest thing he has ever said to me. What a way to explain flat-chestedness to your 14 year old daughter. (Anyone else detect foreshadow here besides me?)
"You ain't fooling nobody, be yourself" were the last instructions he gave me, that February morning while I was feeding him his breakfast. Letting me know that he knew I was gay (no matter how I tried to hide and deny) and giving me the courage to live a life outside of the shadows.
"I love you" the last words I said to him, on Monday, February 24th at approximately 11:30 in Pitt Memorial Hospital, a little more than 7 years ago.
His absence in my life mean my children have to grow up without their Grandfather; my youngest is too young to remember any of the memories he created with him. I think that saddens me more than anything else.
Today I honor my Father by praying for those Fathers and Grandfathers who have CHOSEN to be absent in their children's lives and for those who have severed relationships due to circumstances. My prayer is they find themselves on the road to Redemption before they leave this dimension.
I salute you Dad; your love for me has transcended the grave.
RIP SSG William Reid, Jr you will forever be loved and missed.
For you people who have your Fathers here, honor them, and take time to think about those who have to spend the day absent from their Fathers for whatever reason.
Hate It or Love It; Either Way You Felt Somethin'
Monday, June 6, 2011
Letter to LeBron
Dear LeBron,
I am NOT one of your fans (just wanted to say that up front) but I LOVE the game of basketball with everything that is in me. I love it in a way that only a person who doesn't have your talent can.
I think you are a prime example of what's wrong with the game! You don't LOVE or RESPECT the soul of the game.
I know this morning you are somewhere scratching your head trying to figure out how this bunch of old vets have found a way to defend you, out play you, make 4th quarter runs, repeatedly remain defiant in the face of your youthful exuberance.
I think people compare you to Michael Jordan too much and do you a disservice by doing so. Yes Michael Jordan was one of the most talented players the game of basketball had ever seen, BUT his talent is NOT what made him one of the game's greatest winners.
His will to win was born through his intimate knowledge of defeat, and his fortunate apprenticeship under basketball's Socrates, Dean E. Smith. See people who are innately born without the ability to leap backboards in a single bound have a different type of appreciation for the game, that's why they make the greatest coaches.
Dean Smith taught Michael that talent was not enough to win, it takes a team to win. Even though he temporarily forgot this lesson when he came into the league. Larry Bird, Isiah Thomas, and Magic Johnson each took turns reinforcing that lesson. Dean Smith taught Michael to respect, outthink, and outwork each opponent (I'm paraphrasing from his Hall of Fame speech), once he applied that knowledge and combined it with his talent he began to dominate on a championship level.
Oh yeah and before you start thinking this is another one of MJs fans hating on you, every one who knows me knows that I also am NOT a Michael Jordan fan!
You sir lack the work ethic Everything has come to you so easily that you (like all other 80s babies) feel you are entitled. Where were you taught to persevere? My mother always told me "the only place success comes before work is in the dictionary."
Here are a few things that all champions must possess:
These things come with time and experience. I feel you did yourself a huge disservice by not going to college. You chose money over success. You believed the hype that you were the best. If you want to be a professional you need to study your craft. Most people go to college to become experts in their field. You had the audacity to feel like you were Great enough to skip that part...well now you are feeling the pressure.
Ever wondered why Derrick Rose and Kevin Durrant are having so much success early in their careers...they went to college!
Players later in their careers choose to go form alliances to win championships. You had the opportunity to bring the first championship to your home state and you gave that up. You flaunted your choice to leave and you are relying on your talent to get you have SO much to learn!
There are a lot of GREAT, talented, and deserving ball players who never won a championship. Championships aren't guaranteed and everybody wont get one. You may join their ranks. I for one hope so, I think it will be good for the will force kids to go to college to LEARN the game of basketball.
You have to develop the heart of of a champion...that heart is tested in the fire.
Hate It Or Love It; Either Way You Felt Somethin'
I am NOT one of your fans (just wanted to say that up front) but I LOVE the game of basketball with everything that is in me. I love it in a way that only a person who doesn't have your talent can.
I think you are a prime example of what's wrong with the game! You don't LOVE or RESPECT the soul of the game.
I know this morning you are somewhere scratching your head trying to figure out how this bunch of old vets have found a way to defend you, out play you, make 4th quarter runs, repeatedly remain defiant in the face of your youthful exuberance.
I think people compare you to Michael Jordan too much and do you a disservice by doing so. Yes Michael Jordan was one of the most talented players the game of basketball had ever seen, BUT his talent is NOT what made him one of the game's greatest winners.
His will to win was born through his intimate knowledge of defeat, and his fortunate apprenticeship under basketball's Socrates, Dean E. Smith. See people who are innately born without the ability to leap backboards in a single bound have a different type of appreciation for the game, that's why they make the greatest coaches.
Dean Smith taught Michael that talent was not enough to win, it takes a team to win. Even though he temporarily forgot this lesson when he came into the league. Larry Bird, Isiah Thomas, and Magic Johnson each took turns reinforcing that lesson. Dean Smith taught Michael to respect, outthink, and outwork each opponent (I'm paraphrasing from his Hall of Fame speech), once he applied that knowledge and combined it with his talent he began to dominate on a championship level.
Oh yeah and before you start thinking this is another one of MJs fans hating on you, every one who knows me knows that I also am NOT a Michael Jordan fan!
You sir lack the work ethic Everything has come to you so easily that you (like all other 80s babies) feel you are entitled. Where were you taught to persevere? My mother always told me "the only place success comes before work is in the dictionary."
Here are a few things that all champions must possess:
These things come with time and experience. I feel you did yourself a huge disservice by not going to college. You chose money over success. You believed the hype that you were the best. If you want to be a professional you need to study your craft. Most people go to college to become experts in their field. You had the audacity to feel like you were Great enough to skip that part...well now you are feeling the pressure.
Ever wondered why Derrick Rose and Kevin Durrant are having so much success early in their careers...they went to college!
Players later in their careers choose to go form alliances to win championships. You had the opportunity to bring the first championship to your home state and you gave that up. You flaunted your choice to leave and you are relying on your talent to get you have SO much to learn!
There are a lot of GREAT, talented, and deserving ball players who never won a championship. Championships aren't guaranteed and everybody wont get one. You may join their ranks. I for one hope so, I think it will be good for the will force kids to go to college to LEARN the game of basketball.
You have to develop the heart of of a champion...that heart is tested in the fire.
Hate It Or Love It; Either Way You Felt Somethin'
Sunday, June 5, 2011
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

Last week, May 27, 2011, the great poet, musician, author, and spoken word pioneer Gil Scott-Heron left this dimension, and we all have been inspired to ponder his legacy.
I remember one Saturday afternoon in the early 80s, while fingering through the record collection at my Grandma Annie's house in Elizabeth City, NC, I came across the LP (or the big plastic cd thing to you youngsters) Small Talk at 125th and Lenox. I had no idea who this guy was but I knew that I LOVED LOVED LOVED the song 'The Revolution Will Not Be Televised'! I can still hear him chanting "the revolution will not be televised"
The only line that called out to me as a 6 year old was "The revolution will not come with Coke", and would anxiously wait for that part to come. I was my quest to time it just right and jump in with that line on time. I wouldn't play anything else until I was successful.
As I look back it becomes obvious to me that I walked away with more than the powerful feeling that came with my success. No one ever thinks about who or what influences them until they get famous and asked the question.
I had never really pondered my answer to the question until this very moment...ok well maybe 3 minutes ago.
Gil Scott-Heron is one of my biggest influences. He is the first person to introduce me to poetry and the actual idea of a Revolution in smooth ass kinda way. I had never really thought of how he helped me fall in love with poetry, and embrace my inner rebel.
As a sixth grader my English teacher Mrs McMillian told me that I was "A rebel with NO cause." Even though I embraced her statement, (Kinda thought it was cool) I never really took the time to think about what that statement meant.
Rebellion is in my DNA. Every cell in my body was programmed to revolt. It clearly is so rebellious that my white blood cells are now attacking ME (thanks MS...flips the bird) but I still stand here in defiance.
I will honor Gil Scott-Heron's legacy and strive to be a part of this proverbial Revolution.
If you continue to sit on the sidelines you will miss it.
Life is but a dream. Our days were allotted & our burdens assigned long before we even crossed into this dimension.
I hope to live a life in defiance of the status I speak words of revolution & change.
Rest in Paradise Mr. Gil Scott-Heron. I am honored to have been inspired by you. I hope that you see the fruit of your labor and look on with pride.
Hate It or Love It; Either Way You Felt Somethin'
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised. Will Not Be Televised. Will Not Be Televised.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Letter to Donald Trump
Dear Mr Trump,
As a Republican and lover of all things free enterprise, I'm letting you know it would be so much easier for me to take you seriously as a candidate if you would stop talking about Obama's birth certificate.
You are already making strong arguments about us losing 290 billion in commerce and job opportunities to the Chinese just last year. You seemed passionate as a business man when you said that you were "tired of building buildings with parts that are made in China". too! I like that you allege to have a business plan to get America out of "this mess". Great...I'd love to see it. Its early and you have already laid the groundwork for what it will take to keep me from voting for Obama again but this time ONLY because he's black.
Then I hear you say some dumb shit like "It is POSSIBLE that the President was born in Hawaii. How can any Red-Blooded Republican question the legality of someone's presidency? Didn't the other guy get more votes that time? Didn't Bush have his little brother Jeb trick those geezers out of their vote so he could secure his electoral college numbers?
But wait...let me pump my brakes because I almost sound like you when I say stuff like that. Difference is I'm a journalist and not running for President of this great country.
As a Republican and lover of all things free enterprise, I'm letting you know it would be so much easier for me to take you seriously as a candidate if you would stop talking about Obama's birth certificate.
You are already making strong arguments about us losing 290 billion in commerce and job opportunities to the Chinese just last year. You seemed passionate as a business man when you said that you were "tired of building buildings with parts that are made in China". too! I like that you allege to have a business plan to get America out of "this mess". Great...I'd love to see it. Its early and you have already laid the groundwork for what it will take to keep me from voting for Obama again but this time ONLY because he's black.
Then I hear you say some dumb shit like "It is POSSIBLE that the President was born in Hawaii. How can any Red-Blooded Republican question the legality of someone's presidency? Didn't the other guy get more votes that time? Didn't Bush have his little brother Jeb trick those geezers out of their vote so he could secure his electoral college numbers?
But wait...let me pump my brakes because I almost sound like you when I say stuff like that. Difference is I'm a journalist and not running for President of this great country.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Jim Crow on Display in Eastern NC
On April 6, 2011 James Richardson was convicted of double murder in Greenville, NC and sentenced to two consecutive life without parole sentences, plus another 8 to 12 years for the gun charge.
Lamuel Anderson, Juror #12, held a press conference and spoke out on April 7th saying he caved under pressure from Judge and Jury. Jury deliberations in James Richardson's trial began on Friday, April 1st and lasted for four days.
Anderson's wife stated that her husband told her that on Friday there were three votes for not-guilty Juror 7, Juror 11, and , Juror 12.
The jury was not sequestered over the weekend.
According to Anderson, by Monday morning April 4th Juror 11 had changed their mind. Juror 12 then sent a note by the foreman to Judge Duke asking for an explanation of a hung jury, noting his hesitancy to change his mind.
Judge Duke responded by telling the jury it was their "duty" to return a unanimous verdict.
Tuesday April 5th, Juror 7 changed their mind. Juror 12 asked to be removed from the jury. Judge Duke denied his request.
Judge Duke met with the Jury on the morning of April 6th and laid out the rules of conviction once more. Telling jurors, "In the course of your deliberations, you should not hesitate to reexamine your own views and change your opinion."
Juror 12 changed his mind on April 6th.
The Defendant, James Richardson's mother spoke out at the press conference saying the state failed to prove its case. Pointing out that the burden of proof was on the state.
The defense was able to poke holes into the state's case by pointing out discrepancies in statements taken by police, showed their lack of eyewitnesses and DNA evidence. There were no witnesses who placed Richardson in the car while shots were fired. There were also witnesses who testified seeing more than one gunman in the car.
Richardson's mother said, "They had no suspect. They didn't have enough probable cause for a warrant, much less a Capital case!"
Juror 12 said the state didn't not prove to him beyond a reasonable doubt that Richardson was even in the car at the time of the shooting. He said the evidence showed the gunman had to be firing from the passenger's seat, which directly contrasted the state's lone gunman theory.
He says he regrets not sticking to his convictions but is glad he spoke out. He says he wants to see justice served.
When corruption in the legal system on all levels its disheartening but sadly all too common.
Several witnesses testified under oath that police falsified their statements when they were reported as identifying the defendant in the car.
The prosecution denied offering the one witness who testified against Richardson a deal in exchange for his testimony, despite the documentation presented by the defense.
The judge repeatedly ignored juror issues and ordered the jury to return a unanimous decision.
Separate but equal still seems to apply in Eastern North Carolina. It is my hope that Jim Crow's reign will finally end soon.
Lamuel Anderson, Juror #12, held a press conference and spoke out on April 7th saying he caved under pressure from Judge and Jury. Jury deliberations in James Richardson's trial began on Friday, April 1st and lasted for four days.
Anderson's wife stated that her husband told her that on Friday there were three votes for not-guilty Juror 7, Juror 11, and , Juror 12.
The jury was not sequestered over the weekend.
According to Anderson, by Monday morning April 4th Juror 11 had changed their mind. Juror 12 then sent a note by the foreman to Judge Duke asking for an explanation of a hung jury, noting his hesitancy to change his mind.
Judge Duke responded by telling the jury it was their "duty" to return a unanimous verdict.
Tuesday April 5th, Juror 7 changed their mind. Juror 12 asked to be removed from the jury. Judge Duke denied his request.
Judge Duke met with the Jury on the morning of April 6th and laid out the rules of conviction once more. Telling jurors, "In the course of your deliberations, you should not hesitate to reexamine your own views and change your opinion."
Juror 12 changed his mind on April 6th.
The Defendant, James Richardson's mother spoke out at the press conference saying the state failed to prove its case. Pointing out that the burden of proof was on the state.
The defense was able to poke holes into the state's case by pointing out discrepancies in statements taken by police, showed their lack of eyewitnesses and DNA evidence. There were no witnesses who placed Richardson in the car while shots were fired. There were also witnesses who testified seeing more than one gunman in the car.
Richardson's mother said, "They had no suspect. They didn't have enough probable cause for a warrant, much less a Capital case!"
Juror 12 said the state didn't not prove to him beyond a reasonable doubt that Richardson was even in the car at the time of the shooting. He said the evidence showed the gunman had to be firing from the passenger's seat, which directly contrasted the state's lone gunman theory.
He says he regrets not sticking to his convictions but is glad he spoke out. He says he wants to see justice served.
When corruption in the legal system on all levels its disheartening but sadly all too common.
Several witnesses testified under oath that police falsified their statements when they were reported as identifying the defendant in the car.
The prosecution denied offering the one witness who testified against Richardson a deal in exchange for his testimony, despite the documentation presented by the defense.
The judge repeatedly ignored juror issues and ordered the jury to return a unanimous decision.
Separate but equal still seems to apply in Eastern North Carolina. It is my hope that Jim Crow's reign will finally end soon.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Geekboi In Training
What on Earth am I being trained to be?
As I take a look at my life right now in this moment I see myself teetering on the edge of a personal breakthrough. And even though I immediately get an image of Sister Gillespi's karate chop choir directing arm (shouts to all my fellow Breakthrough Choir, I'm not talking about a Spiritual Breakthrough. Nor am I talking about a Financial Breakthrough (sorry Mom). I am on the cusp a a Personal Breakthrough.
On January 25, 2006 I stood underneath the stars and declared that I would stop EXISTING...and actually LIVE. I had given 30 years of my life to other people and it only resulted in my misery. Every aspect of my life was the result of a choice I had made for someone else. I knew that my life would be different; I just had no idea how much I'd be right.
My anger at my mediocre life forced me to start a revolution. I quit my job. I moved my family. I found a career. I traveled. Indulged my kids. Found love. I mean I really enjoyed life.
I began to create again. Music had returned. Softly sung Alto tones sometimes woke me, and inspired me to write. Her silhouette beckoned to be drawn. Odd beauty my muse. It was the 2nd time in my life that I was saved by The Arts.
But only God knew that was just the High before the Low. Only He knew that my love would fade long before my health did. That my right side would suddenly stop working. That my kids would no longer be in the next room, and that their faces would be replaced by those of my roommates'. That she would say, "I'm getting married tomorrow" as I lay naked watching her get dressed to leave. That I would spend my Valentine's Day alone in the hospital. That I would have to fight to regain custody of my sons. That once I started to rebound she would try to hook me again. That I would find the strength to walk away from her and close the door behind me. That I would find the courage to be alone.
But here again...only God knows what His plan is for me.
Happiness is an achievement; unfortunately it must be preceded by Pain.
I feel like a modern day Job, even after I lost it all I refused to curse him. (I got mad and challenged Him to a few jousts but never cursed him).
I realize it all must be preparation for something...
Now my journey has me studying great thinkers from the past and present, and realizing that I have more in common with them than I thought. Learning to live my life based on principles, not in a never ending chase of doe. Experiencing unconditional love and true friendship. Laughing from my soul, and smiling in the dark. Living and Loving.
I realize that I swallowed a Red Pill on my 30th birthday, and ever since that moment I've been in a training simulator.
Now I'm starting to anticipate blows and form bonds with like-minded strangers, its almost time for that proverbial "Untelevised Revolution".
Once my training and transformation is complete; I'll be sent back into The Matrix...Armed with Jokes and Experience...Ready to Kick ass and Take Names. My fight scenes are gonna be EPIC!
...Hate It or Love it; Either Way You Felt Somethin'
As I take a look at my life right now in this moment I see myself teetering on the edge of a personal breakthrough. And even though I immediately get an image of Sister Gillespi's karate chop choir directing arm (shouts to all my fellow Breakthrough Choir, I'm not talking about a Spiritual Breakthrough. Nor am I talking about a Financial Breakthrough (sorry Mom). I am on the cusp a a Personal Breakthrough.
On January 25, 2006 I stood underneath the stars and declared that I would stop EXISTING...and actually LIVE. I had given 30 years of my life to other people and it only resulted in my misery. Every aspect of my life was the result of a choice I had made for someone else. I knew that my life would be different; I just had no idea how much I'd be right.
My anger at my mediocre life forced me to start a revolution. I quit my job. I moved my family. I found a career. I traveled. Indulged my kids. Found love. I mean I really enjoyed life.
I began to create again. Music had returned. Softly sung Alto tones sometimes woke me, and inspired me to write. Her silhouette beckoned to be drawn. Odd beauty my muse. It was the 2nd time in my life that I was saved by The Arts.
But only God knew that was just the High before the Low. Only He knew that my love would fade long before my health did. That my right side would suddenly stop working. That my kids would no longer be in the next room, and that their faces would be replaced by those of my roommates'. That she would say, "I'm getting married tomorrow" as I lay naked watching her get dressed to leave. That I would spend my Valentine's Day alone in the hospital. That I would have to fight to regain custody of my sons. That once I started to rebound she would try to hook me again. That I would find the strength to walk away from her and close the door behind me. That I would find the courage to be alone.
But here again...only God knows what His plan is for me.
Happiness is an achievement; unfortunately it must be preceded by Pain.
I feel like a modern day Job, even after I lost it all I refused to curse him. (I got mad and challenged Him to a few jousts but never cursed him).
I realize it all must be preparation for something...
Now my journey has me studying great thinkers from the past and present, and realizing that I have more in common with them than I thought. Learning to live my life based on principles, not in a never ending chase of doe. Experiencing unconditional love and true friendship. Laughing from my soul, and smiling in the dark. Living and Loving.
I realize that I swallowed a Red Pill on my 30th birthday, and ever since that moment I've been in a training simulator.
Now I'm starting to anticipate blows and form bonds with like-minded strangers, its almost time for that proverbial "Untelevised Revolution".
Once my training and transformation is complete; I'll be sent back into The Matrix...Armed with Jokes and Experience...Ready to Kick ass and Take Names. My fight scenes are gonna be EPIC!
...Hate It or Love it; Either Way You Felt Somethin'
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Geekboi's Truths
Another year on this earth. Its hard to believe that I'm 35. Last year this time I was totally melancholy. I had been dealt a blow that forced me to reset my life. I decided that I needed to reconnect with the things that shaped my character; my family, my clones, my home. I knew that if nothing else, I would be safe at home.
In my cocoon with take-out menus and my journal I let my heart bleed. My pain drove me to my knees; and not with prayers for my health but with prayers for my own heart. As my hopes and fears gushed I took a good look at the person I had become. Once I peeled back the scabs, cleansed myself of the residual emotions, and fed my soul I could recognize the person in the mirror. Sure I had aged and had a few battle scars but thats what is supposed to happen in life; if you truly live. No one has learned to ride a bike without getting some scars. To quote Mr. McKlurkin, "we fall down but we get up."
I had it all wrong. I thought the failure was in the fall; I learned the failure was in refusing to get up.
Not only did I get up, I covered that sink hole and I moved on.
Three great things happened in my 34th year of life; I began to share my poetry, I connected with my children as people not responsibilities, and I was gifted with an Nala.
Happiness is an achievement not a gift. You must work for it. You must cultivate the relationship you have with the creator, cultivate the relationships you have with those that will mourn your passing, and look to be a blessing to someone else.
Now that I have begun my journey to my destiny; I can't wait to see what year 35 has in store. I hope that every time I interact with someone they leave with something they have to talk about. Whether its something I said, the way I carry myself, or something I did good or bad...
...Hate It or Love It; Either Way You Felt Somethin'
In my cocoon with take-out menus and my journal I let my heart bleed. My pain drove me to my knees; and not with prayers for my health but with prayers for my own heart. As my hopes and fears gushed I took a good look at the person I had become. Once I peeled back the scabs, cleansed myself of the residual emotions, and fed my soul I could recognize the person in the mirror. Sure I had aged and had a few battle scars but thats what is supposed to happen in life; if you truly live. No one has learned to ride a bike without getting some scars. To quote Mr. McKlurkin, "we fall down but we get up."
I had it all wrong. I thought the failure was in the fall; I learned the failure was in refusing to get up.
Not only did I get up, I covered that sink hole and I moved on.
Three great things happened in my 34th year of life; I began to share my poetry, I connected with my children as people not responsibilities, and I was gifted with an Nala.
Happiness is an achievement not a gift. You must work for it. You must cultivate the relationship you have with the creator, cultivate the relationships you have with those that will mourn your passing, and look to be a blessing to someone else.
Now that I have begun my journey to my destiny; I can't wait to see what year 35 has in store. I hope that every time I interact with someone they leave with something they have to talk about. Whether its something I said, the way I carry myself, or something I did good or bad...
...Hate It or Love It; Either Way You Felt Somethin'
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