Barack Hussien Obama, you sir are my hero!
On Wednesday I watched you step to the podium and give a speech, that I honestly must say either was dry and boring (which surprisingly some of your joints have been) or it was totally overshadowed by that awesome ass press conference that followed!
Hours after last November's elections, after I had just watch the Tea Party spank your ass, I wrote you a letter. In it I begged you to do something to make me (a Black Republican) vote for you again based on your merits. I also made this request:
Deliver that transparency in government that you promised. Not only as it applies to evidence of weapons of mass destruction but also as it applies to those areas of your policy that cause political rifts and those legislators guilty of blocking it from being voted into law. I think you will find that if you let the press along with the American people know what is going on they together they will start to question any representative guilty of holding up progress. -Letter to the President, Nov 4, 2010
Imagine my pride when I watched you step to your podium on Wednesday, and have the single best press conference of your life! I watched you lay out a plan, and follow it up by showing where the measures you have already created were being held up by politics. You called Washington out! It took tremendous guts, and I totally have gained more respect for you because of it.
Here are a few quotes from your Q&A seesion that I feel go along way toward getting you reelected and my thoughts on them.
The problems that are causing the challenges that the Middle Class is facing weren't created overnight and they won't be solved overnight.
Finally!!! Remind people that this recession that we are in began in 2007, when you were just Candidate Obama! (Btw-I wrote a little something about you back then Joshua-but I digress.)
If everybody else is willing to take on their sacred cows and do tough things that I feel it will be hard for Republicans to say we don't want tax cuts on private jets or we want to keep giving tax breaks to oil companies that are making money hand over fist...I don't that's a sustainable position.
Now this right here was fuckin' brilliant!!! I swear I will no longer question your ethnicity again! If this ain't calling a Mofo Out 101 I don't know what is, as seen in black barbershops all around the United States.
What I propose is a plan that doesn't hurt the pockets of the ones that are struggling, it leans on the ones that are doing extraordinarily well. You'll still be able to ride on your private jet, it's just gonna cost a little more .
Then after you explained why tax hikes on the rich were part of your economic plan, you talked shit to the naysayers...You get's mega props for that shit!!
I maybe naive but I expect them to do the right thing. Leaders lead.
Then you hit 'em with a suave ass verbal jab...pow!!! Btw-totally digging your sarcasm here! Well played sir; well played!
Momar Gadhafi, is second to Osama Bin Ladin in having caused the most American deaths...As a member of NATO we are compelled to act...A lot of this fuss is politics and if you look substantively at what we've done we have done what we planned to do, we have protected millions of lives, lost no American casualties...we did what's right.
Now we both know this right here is some bull shit! I don't even think you believed it when you said it. If I go back to the tape you were probably shaking your head 'No' while you were saying it. And everyone who has watched the Fox show 'Lie to Me' knows, that is a sign of a lie...I'm just saying man, lets keep it real.
What we have done is said that we can not discrimate against a person because of their sexual orientation. We have done more during my administration for Gay & Lesbian couples so they can visit their loved ones in the hospital, we ended Don't Ask Don't tell...I think it's important for us to work through these issues state by state.
I hope I speak for all homosexuals when I say, thank you for this! As a disabled person I don't want my family (those people who think I have a homo demon & barely visit me) to have any control or say over my health care. I want the person who has lived the misery of my disease with me making the choices I can't make. This alone is reason enough for me to vote for you again.
What I think you are saying Chuck Todd is what millions of Americans are saying that Gays, Lesians, Transgendered people are Mothers, Fathers, Sons, Daughters, our Friends. They are Americans and they deserve to be treated that way.
I have to be honest when I say this gave me chills, but not because of the awesomeness of what you said. I got chills because in my mind I saw JFK in that Dallas square. I hope this doesn't get you killed, sir.
I think we could put construction workers back to work rebuilding bridges and roads. We used to have the best bridges & roads and we dont anymore and it hurts our competitiveness. It gets work done that we need done in America and it helps Americans at the same time.
I believed you were being genuine when you said this. I thought of that History Channel special on Chinese infrastructure, that outlined why goods move faster in parts of China than they can here. It reminded me that you are a geek too. (Whispers-The guy that lived there before you kinda set the bar low. Btw- I totally love the way you say the word 'Pakistan'.)
S. Korea has a better trade agreement than we do. I see tons of Korean cars here in American, but no American cars in S. Korea .
Just good ole common sense mixed with patriotism right here! It's okay to show a little bias for the home team.
I think as politicians we should be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. We should be able to work on deficit reduction and creating jobs at the same time.
Man ole man would I love to see you in a Southside Chicago pool hall! I bet nobody talks shit better than you do!
We can't afford to have labor & management fighting all the time with we are competing with Japan, China, and other companies to sell goods all over the world. We still have the advantage in the airline industry and I want to make sure we keep it.
I like this statement! Again common sense mixed with patriotisim.
My top priority in each and every one of these situations is catching terrorists, getting intel from them, following the rule of the law...Their mission (in the field) is not to make sure the worry about legal issues, it is to capture the subject with minimum danger to American lives.
And this is why I love you! Let's get these muthafuckas then!!
I did not use the word victory in my speech, I said "We can be successful" and we are having success in carrying out our mission...We will continue to apply the pressure. The Afghans have trained police and military that can and will fill in the gaps. They can start defending themselves.
Did I mention I love the way you handle yourself with the media? I was wondering when the Afghans were going to do something besides train and collect American tax dollars.
Afghanistan is still a dangerous place, there are still going to be incidents like this...but as I said in my speech the tide of war has shifted. They aren't going to be totally safe even if we were there. Our goal is the help the Afghan people to defend themselves.
If we could some how deploy this same tactic to Urban negborhoods all over America, maybe their economy would improve too, and the domestic terrorist would be forced out by the people. You know, a little nation building at home?
I'm not gonna make news on that today, good try though.
Hands down my favorite quote! I love the respect you showed your opponet here!
I'll keep on giving you the same answer until I give you a different one...and that won't be today.
Again, all who questioned your Blackness before can point to this quote as irrefutable proof of your heritage.
We need to maintain our position as a nation of law, but we also have to maintain our position as a nation of immigrants.
Again, I got goose bumps from a JFK flashback. Please don't get killed man.
There are some people having to choose what bills they pay on this month...For the US govt to start picking & choosing is not going to inspire alot of confidence. Are we really gonna pay interest to the Chinese and not pay folks their Social Security, or Veterans their benefits?
You did me proud with this one man, for real!
These are bills Congress ran up. They took the vacation, they bought the car and now they don't want to pay as fast as they said they would. That's not how the responsible American family would act, and we're the greatest nation on earth.
I for one love your analogies! This one just replaced the 'wrecked car' one as my absolute favorite. I think you may have grabbed the attention of a few independents with this statement!
I think at some point these people need to do their job...It amuses me when people say I need to show leadership on this issue...They are here one week and gone the next...I'm here, and I've been working. They need to get here.
Dude just how big are your balls? (Insert Wayne & Garth bow) 'We're Not Worthy. We're Not Worthy!'
Everyday I get letters from people around the country...Some have lost their homes, lost businessness...haven't find a job in a few months, a year, a year and a half...Every day that weighs on me.
You showed us your heart here, and we've been begging to see it for a while.
These problems won't be solved overnight but we know what to do. If we educate our kids we will be more competitive...America has to make some investments.
As a current college student I can't tell you what this statement means to me. As a parent, I thank you because you know in this economy Ill be lucky to have $1000 saved in 5 years. (That's all I have until my oldest graduates high school.)
(Americans) They want to feel they leadership is getting the job done and not playing games.
You're right. We do!
You went in down 20 points at halftime, but you have come out in the third quarter full court pressin', makings steals, and fastbreakin' your competition. You have made some key adjustments at halftime and have really closed the gap. You have the ability to take the lead and blow out the competition if you can manage to create jobs domestically and deal with the deficit significantlly.
It's a tall order but I believe in you.
I think you campaign theme song should be LL Cool J's 'Mama Said Knock You Out', and when you are successfully relected in 2012 I hope your first words to America will be:
"Don't Call It A Comeback; I've Been Here For Years!"
-Hate It or Love It; Either Way You Felt Somethin'
About Me

- UrbanJournalist
- This blog is purely a forum for me to speak about the ironies in life, the things that piss me off, and to quote Peter Griffin of "Family Guy"..."things that grind my gears". Please feel free to visit my website to chime in and read more controversial editorials. I have just released my first book "Twisted Thoughts From a Spotless Mind", it is a collection of several of my poems and editorials. It's for sale right now for $9.99, and I have free shipping. If you would like to order a copy of my book click on the "Buy Now" link below. Thx, UrbanJournalist