irony (noun) an event or result that is opposite of what's expected
Thank God that helping with fourth grade english has brought the dictionary back into my life. Big shouts to Chaos and Mr. Good's vocabulary assignments. Anyway, I got to thinking bout the word that most defined my life. As you can see that word for me is irony. Here are the ironies that define my life.
It's ironic that God gave me a woman's body and a heterosexual male's brain.
It's ironic that my son's call me momma, but my relationship with my son's is more like my relationship was with my father.
It's ironic that I had to turn to drugs to discover myself. ("Iz u rollin'.....bitch I mite be")
It's ironic that my ex-husband, father of my sons, and man who threatened to murder me when I told him that I loved women; is becoming my best friend.
It's ironic that I thought that I was healthy then July 4th came and was raped by multiple sclerosis.
It's ironic that I rediscovered my life while lying in the hospital afraid I was going to die.
It's ironic that the product of that moment of weakness was a strength that I never knew i had. (Na Na Now Dat that don't kill me, can only make me stronger....)
It's ironic that I really found love on the dance floor. (Luv plus, Baby)
It's ironic that 50% of left handed people are twins and a unknown number of twins die in the womb; I think my twin lives on inside my mind. Let me introduce you to us formally, I am Tian William (Bill) and my sister is Tianna Lynette.
It's ironic that I am the offspring of a bi-polar lefty, and so are my children. (We are just like our parents, if we are lucky we have evolved slighltly)
It's ironic that I've always believed I was a mutant and wished for the power to move shit with my mind like Carrie; and the nerve altering pills I take to treat my MS gives me a hyper state of consciousness, and I feel like if I take these pills everyday for 10 years I'll be like Professor Xaiver of the X-Men.
It's ironic that I just realized the the middle name that I grew up hating, Wilynetta, is "the best representation of who I am William + Lynette"; and when I was fortunate enough to actually ask my mother why she gave me that name that was her exact response.
It's ironic that it took Gemini sperm to finally split the twins minds that lived inside of me; Chaos and Deuce are both sides of me manifested.
It's ironic that I learned more about my father's life after he died than I knew when he was alive.
It's ironic that I've learned the most important things about myself by watching my kids.
It's ironic that I spend so much time watching everyone else and don't ever see who's watching me. (I'm a Rock Star Baby....)
It's ironic that I just realied that I have had more coversations with my mother than I realized. I wonder how strong her telepathy is. I'm going to help my boys develope their telepathy and ESP early use it to their advantage.
It's ironic that after 31 years of being angry with my bioligical mother for leaving me when I was two; I realize the sacrifice she made for me, and I want to thank her.
It's ironic that I just realized that Kesha is my rainbow momma. Thanks for loving me better than my stepmother ever could, and ushering me through the most diffucult times in my life.
It's ironic that everytime I go against my gut, the results are negative. (Spent a few moments in police cars as a result)
It's ironic that the results are not always favorable when I go with my gut; or maybe its not favorable because I don't act quickly enough.
I'm wrappin this shit up, cuz I've been sittin here way too long living my myspace dream.
Brilliant minds are fatally fragile and often misunderstood. Am I crazy, or is the ultimate irony the fact that I am destined to be misunderstood?
About Me

- UrbanJournalist
- This blog is purely a forum for me to speak about the ironies in life, the things that piss me off, and to quote Peter Griffin of "Family Guy"..."things that grind my gears". Please feel free to visit my website to chime in and read more controversial editorials. I have just released my first book "Twisted Thoughts From a Spotless Mind", it is a collection of several of my poems and editorials. It's for sale right now for $9.99, and I have free shipping. If you would like to order a copy of my book click on the "Buy Now" link below. Thx, UrbanJournalist