When you genuinely love someone, you are selfless in all of your dealings with them. Your joint goal initially appears to build a house of love that will last forever.
A few months into the relationship after your first conflict you learn the truth about your union, good or bad. The problem is that most of us ignore the bad truth that this fire exposes. The choice that you make in this moment will determine how you and your partner will interact with each other. Make the wrong choice and you will find yourself in an endless cycle of disappointment, and you have no one to blame but yourself because you ignored the truth. Make the right choice and you may end up with a good friend and ally for life.
So my advice to all is to acknowledge the truth no matter how ugly it is, and if you have to let someone go that you thought was going to be your lover for life; do it, because breaking up can be long to do!
About Me

- UrbanJournalist
- This blog is purely a forum for me to speak about the ironies in life, the things that piss me off, and to quote Peter Griffin of "Family Guy"..."things that grind my gears". Please feel free to visit my website thevirtualsoapbox.com to chime in and read more controversial editorials. I have just released my first book "Twisted Thoughts From a Spotless Mind", it is a collection of several of my poems and editorials. It's for sale right now for $9.99, and I have free shipping. If you would like to order a copy of my book click on the "Buy Now" link below. Thx, UrbanJournalist