There will never be another like you
Sassiest Lady I've ever known
Never left the house unless she was "Lookin' like sumthin'"
Daughter, Friend, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Great-Grandma, Great-Great Grandma
Mrs. Mattie Lee Jones, you lived a full life
It was in this building, huddled around a heater with my 20 cousins
I learned my first memory verse; our first Sunday School teacher
We knew it was time for church when we heard you singing
"It's so good to be in here" but is it good to be here today?
The selfish part of me wants to say no
Who will I watch Matlock with?
Who's going to be the Mayor of Myrtle Avenue?
But I know you were ready
I was a Grandchild even before my father became your son-in-law
I always felt like one of your favorites
We all did
Thank you for showing me that you NEVER close the door on your family
Thank you for those rides to school no matter how many days in a row I missed the bus
I'm now immune to whiplash
Thanks for those fishing trips to Whichard's Beach and vacations to White Lake
It's because of you I no longer have rollers on my butt
Only person who could lick dishes clean faster than I could wash 'em
Sorry for the times I touched your wigs, and your pistol, when you sent me to fetch something from your dresser
Thanks for the year you helped raise my son, can't call what you did daycare
He's such an old man because of his time with you
Four months ago I asked you what the first thing Granddaddy Cecil said when you guys first met
You smiled and said "Hey Sweet Thang"
I know those were his words when you guys met again
I'm envious of the love you two shared
I'm proud of you and the life you lived
I love you; I know you're resting
About Me

- UrbanJournalist
- This blog is purely a forum for me to speak about the ironies in life, the things that piss me off, and to quote Peter Griffin of "Family Guy"..."things that grind my gears". Please feel free to visit my website to chime in and read more controversial editorials. I have just released my first book "Twisted Thoughts From a Spotless Mind", it is a collection of several of my poems and editorials. It's for sale right now for $9.99, and I have free shipping. If you would like to order a copy of my book click on the "Buy Now" link below. Thx, UrbanJournalist
Monday, February 20, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Auld Lang Syne
So my 18 is 18 and it feels great. For the first time in years I've had back-to-back years of positive emotional progress, even though it book ended a plethora self-inflicted digressions. I truly love my life. I love my Lady and my Clones, and am eternally grateful for the unconditional love and support they give me...wait is this the same ole' Charlie Brown?
Yerp! It sure i--well...ACTUALLY it's not(in my best Dion voice)! This is the new and improved me. The semi-mature me, the self-confident me (well I've always been that me), the me with healthy love in my life, the entrepreneurial me! I'm seeing the potential future in my life get a few additional optional endings right before my eyes.
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster, and treat those two impostors just the same...Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,and—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son - Rudyard Kipling
This has been recurring theme in my thirties (one at which I struggle with tremendously being a Bi-polar Aquarius), brought to my attention by my Dear Ole'Uncle Alvin, drilled to the core by Phi Alpha Nu (kinda missed the cut on that one...dern narcissism), and one that I am slowly getting closer to mastering; and by mastering I mean getting a good ole' American "C".
Thirty-five has taught me how to love and be loved. To give of myself in ways I never knew possible. That fidelity in my relationship could be more than just a dream. That the love I show my loved ones may never be reciprocated. That mind over matter is a valid principle. That dreams are still worth having. That I am still pretty damn intelligent. That I am severely under paid. That my children are listening. That it's now or never.
With that being said, I don't have time for the bullshit I used to have time for. I'm busy working on my future and family's future. If your influence in my life isn't positive please know you are soooooo last year!
Happy Birthday Me!
Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind?
HELL YEAH! F- 'em!
...Hate It or Love It; Either Way You Felt Somethin'
Yerp! It sure i--well...ACTUALLY it's not(in my best Dion voice)! This is the new and improved me. The semi-mature me, the self-confident me (well I've always been that me), the me with healthy love in my life, the entrepreneurial me! I'm seeing the potential future in my life get a few additional optional endings right before my eyes.
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster, and treat those two impostors just the same...Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,and—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son - Rudyard Kipling
This has been recurring theme in my thirties (one at which I struggle with tremendously being a Bi-polar Aquarius), brought to my attention by my Dear Ole'Uncle Alvin, drilled to the core by Phi Alpha Nu (kinda missed the cut on that one...dern narcissism), and one that I am slowly getting closer to mastering; and by mastering I mean getting a good ole' American "C".
Thirty-five has taught me how to love and be loved. To give of myself in ways I never knew possible. That fidelity in my relationship could be more than just a dream. That the love I show my loved ones may never be reciprocated. That mind over matter is a valid principle. That dreams are still worth having. That I am still pretty damn intelligent. That I am severely under paid. That my children are listening. That it's now or never.
With that being said, I don't have time for the bullshit I used to have time for. I'm busy working on my future and family's future. If your influence in my life isn't positive please know you are soooooo last year!
Happy Birthday Me!
Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind?
HELL YEAH! F- 'em!
...Hate It or Love It; Either Way You Felt Somethin'
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Dear Newt Gingrich
Dear Newt Gingrich,
First I want to let you know who I am. I am a College Educated, Black Republican who voted for George W twice proudly. I am a lover of all things free enterprise and I want the Government to stay out my life, most notably my bedroom. After having watched you in last week's South Carolina debates I have a few issues I want to raise with you.
The first being, in 1998 when you were Speaker of the House, you LED the Impeachment against President Bill Clinton for having an affair with one of his employees. We now know that you, in fact, were doing the EXACT same thing with your current wife, Callista; that is, having an affair with one of your employees. Shouldn't you be called to the carpet on your hypocrisy, Sir? You are running for the White House as a champion for Family Values, when you have cheated on two of your three wives, and after hearing how "Callista doesn't care what you do", we may know why you haven't cheated on her. My point is this, you want the right to make sure that I can not marry my Girlfriend because I am a Woman, it is morally wrong, and destructive to the structure of the family unit. Isn't Adultery also morally wrong and destructive to the family unit? Neither the "blood sucking News Media", nor your Republican peers have demanded an answer for your hypocrisy.
The second issue I have with you and your campaign is this; your political views and policies seem to be extremely anti-Black and it appears that they may be based in racism. Again, while Speaker of the House, you constructed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act, much of which I agreed with and supported. I agree that Welfare should be a roadway to employment. Some of your statements are have factual merit and can not be argued, I actually agree with some of the things you say. I too feel Black people demand paychecks instead of food stamps. However, I continue to find some of the generalizations you make about Blacks to be filled with racial undertones, and it only serves to remind me that you grew up in the Segregated South. Saying Black people have low work ethic is racist. Saying that Black people want a hand out is racist. Are there generations of Black people who have been satisfied with living off of public entitlement programs, YES! Is it because they all have low work ethic and want handouts, NO! Is it because they are severely under-educated and under-employed, YES!!
Every other ethnic group of Americans came to this county because they wanted a better life; my people were forced to immigrate, going from freedom to property in the blink of an eye. There are millions of Blacks who have felonies on their records just because their drug of choice to use or sell was crystallized, not powered cocaine. I am only THREE generations from slavery, (a statement my President could never make, his father was African) and miles away from ethnic equality. I am working hard to take my sons one step closer to the American Dream than I was. It is statements like the ones you continue to make that make me feel racism won't die until the ones who grew up supporting it d--let me stop right there before I make a racist generalization. It is clear to me that American policies reflect the racists views of those in leadership.
I hope that you in fact do win the Republican nomination so that President Obama can check you on your bullshit, you can't trump him on family values. I will be at the edge of my seat watching a debate between you and President Obama. I can't wait to see you two go at it, it's going to make for some great sound bytes. You are the best Republican in the race, but I think the bi-racial Obama has a better vision for the country. I will vote for you to be the Republican nominee on Super Tuesday, but I won't vote for you in November; not because you're a hypocrite but because you're racist.
...Hate it or Love it; Either Way You Felt Somethin'
First I want to let you know who I am. I am a College Educated, Black Republican who voted for George W twice proudly. I am a lover of all things free enterprise and I want the Government to stay out my life, most notably my bedroom. After having watched you in last week's South Carolina debates I have a few issues I want to raise with you.
The first being, in 1998 when you were Speaker of the House, you LED the Impeachment against President Bill Clinton for having an affair with one of his employees. We now know that you, in fact, were doing the EXACT same thing with your current wife, Callista; that is, having an affair with one of your employees. Shouldn't you be called to the carpet on your hypocrisy, Sir? You are running for the White House as a champion for Family Values, when you have cheated on two of your three wives, and after hearing how "Callista doesn't care what you do", we may know why you haven't cheated on her. My point is this, you want the right to make sure that I can not marry my Girlfriend because I am a Woman, it is morally wrong, and destructive to the structure of the family unit. Isn't Adultery also morally wrong and destructive to the family unit? Neither the "blood sucking News Media", nor your Republican peers have demanded an answer for your hypocrisy.
The second issue I have with you and your campaign is this; your political views and policies seem to be extremely anti-Black and it appears that they may be based in racism. Again, while Speaker of the House, you constructed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act, much of which I agreed with and supported. I agree that Welfare should be a roadway to employment. Some of your statements are have factual merit and can not be argued, I actually agree with some of the things you say. I too feel Black people demand paychecks instead of food stamps. However, I continue to find some of the generalizations you make about Blacks to be filled with racial undertones, and it only serves to remind me that you grew up in the Segregated South. Saying Black people have low work ethic is racist. Saying that Black people want a hand out is racist. Are there generations of Black people who have been satisfied with living off of public entitlement programs, YES! Is it because they all have low work ethic and want handouts, NO! Is it because they are severely under-educated and under-employed, YES!!
Every other ethnic group of Americans came to this county because they wanted a better life; my people were forced to immigrate, going from freedom to property in the blink of an eye. There are millions of Blacks who have felonies on their records just because their drug of choice to use or sell was crystallized, not powered cocaine. I am only THREE generations from slavery, (a statement my President could never make, his father was African) and miles away from ethnic equality. I am working hard to take my sons one step closer to the American Dream than I was. It is statements like the ones you continue to make that make me feel racism won't die until the ones who grew up supporting it d--let me stop right there before I make a racist generalization. It is clear to me that American policies reflect the racists views of those in leadership.
I hope that you in fact do win the Republican nomination so that President Obama can check you on your bullshit, you can't trump him on family values. I will be at the edge of my seat watching a debate between you and President Obama. I can't wait to see you two go at it, it's going to make for some great sound bytes. You are the best Republican in the race, but I think the bi-racial Obama has a better vision for the country. I will vote for you to be the Republican nominee on Super Tuesday, but I won't vote for you in November; not because you're a hypocrite but because you're racist.
...Hate it or Love it; Either Way You Felt Somethin'
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