August means back to school.
Americans are getting educations, but aren't learning anything. I mean we know what we need to pass the test, but we rarely retain knowledge of things that aren't related in some way to Pop Culture. We know everything that is going on in Hollywood and on Reality TV, but we don't know how many electoral college votes our state has. (Last I checked North Carolina had 15).
I'm not saying that because you don't know the geek facts of history that you are unlearned. I am saying that in our homes we are failing our children by feeding them more TV than History. We can't know where we're going if we don't know where we've been, and these kids will be the ones pushing our wheelchairs.
Think of how much history you can recall accurately...Go ahead. I'll wait. (Walks to the fridge and grabs a brownie & some juice.)
You got it in your head?
Not quite as much as you were taught huh?
Now realize that your kids probably know less than you do...sad right?
Before you go blaming the dilapidated underfunded education programs across this nation, point that finger at yourself. Schools were designed to expand on the skills that you SHOULD be taught at home. Our public education system was created as a PARTNERSHIP between the parents and the teacher. That's why we have HOMEWORK. The classroom is not supposed to be the first place your child becomes exposed to the things they are learning whether it be the alphabet, writing, reading, math, or history.
We as parents are letting our kids down. We have taken a passive role in our kids education for too many years. I say "WE" because I'm leading this pack. We haven't been holding up our end of the bargain. Our kids should know at least as much as we know (whether correct or incorrect). That way they already have a base of knowledge that the teacher can build upon. It's much easier for a teacher to repair a partial or incorrect theory, than it is for them to teach the entire principle.
I challenge each parent out there to join the PTA at their kids school. Communicate with your child's teachers about their goals and your child's progress on that goal. Let's check homework once again. We all are guilty of not doing these things for whatever reason. Hell I'm disabled and still remember blocks of times were all I did was take their word for whether or not their homework was completed.
This is a new year! Time for a fresh start! I don't know about you but our children are competing with kids from India, China, and South America for the jobs we are barely holding on to now. Education is the key to all success, and it's time we stopped blaming our teachers for our kids shortcomings and gave them a hand.
Back to school isn't just for them, its for you too. So, roll up your sleeves, grab your scrap paper and some erasers, and put a cold one in the fridge to help ease that frustration you'll feel after homework is done or to kick of the celebration when the grab that difficult concept.
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...Hate It or Love It; Either Way You Felt Something
About Me

- UrbanJournalist
- This blog is purely a forum for me to speak about the ironies in life, the things that piss me off, and to quote Peter Griffin of "Family Guy"..."things that grind my gears". Please feel free to visit my website to chime in and read more controversial editorials. I have just released my first book "Twisted Thoughts From a Spotless Mind", it is a collection of several of my poems and editorials. It's for sale right now for $9.99, and I have free shipping. If you would like to order a copy of my book click on the "Buy Now" link below. Thx, UrbanJournalist